Maestro Workflow Engine for Drupal 8 - An Introduction

The Maestro Workflow Engine for Drupal 8 is now available as a Beta download!  It has been many months of development to move Maestro out of the D7 environment to a more D8 integrated structure…

Maestro How-To: Save Content, Fire a Workflow with Rules

A very common use-case for Maestro is to launch a workflow in order to moderate some piece of content. You may have an expense form as a content type and you wish to have a manager review and approve it before handing it off to other departments f…

Standalone Drupal 8 script using Guzzle

Drupal 8 will have web services as part of core which will provide native support for all entity types including custom entity types. Drupal 8 will have support for different serialization formats like HAL+JSON, XML and JSON.

A couple of g…

Maestro - Drupal 8 - Road map

With Drupal 8 emerging on the horizon, we've started to delve in to our core modules, Maestro and Filedepot, beginning the process of porting them from Drupal 7 to 8. For our Drupal 8 version of Maestro, I have some immediate concerns that I would…

Drupal 7: Skipping a Commerce Checkout page in the checkout workflow

While working on a Drupal Commerce project for a client, which will be handling products and donations will also need to handle conference registrations. There is a commerce_registration module which is looking like a very nice contribution a…

Dynamically create a maestro relationship to node and user

We already have the ability to create a drupal action to launch a maestro workflow and trigger that action from drupal. Maesto also has a trigger type task that can launch drupal actions from workflows but we did not have rules integratio…