Drupal 7: Maestro Module: To Regenerate or Not To Regenerate...

The regenerate functionality goes back many years in the history of the Maestro engine.  I wrote the very first instance of the "Maestro" engine back in 2004/2005 where it was nowhere near as flexible and nowhere near as extensible as it is t…

Maestro How-To

How do I..... ?  is a question we hear quite a bit when it comes to the Maestro API. We have a few very good blog posts on our site and also bundle Maestro with some good example code. However time has come to begin to document how…

Some SQL Server Express Tips to Help You Along

I'm working on another SQL Server 2008 and Drupal 7 project right now.  This particular project has a great deal of stored procedures and triggers in it to massage extrenal data to the right format for display in Drupal.

Doing Drupal/…

Drupal 7: Maestro Overview Part 2 - Interactive Tasks

In part 1 of our Maestro module overview we explained the different task types that we have available in the module. One of these task types is the Inter…

Maestro Internals - Creating a Maestro Task Module

Please note:  this blog post refers to Maestro on Drupal 7.

Maestro was a rewrite/refactor of our Nexflow product. When I wrote the first iteration of the Nexflow engine, I always had an Object Oriented approach in mi…

Maestro Drupal 7 Overview Part 1 -- Task Types

A few months ago, we posted our ideas for a new workflow module called maestro in the Contributed Modules Ideas …