Drupal 7: Maestro Module: To Regenerate or Not To Regenerate...

The regenerate functionality goes back many years in the history of the Maestro engine.  I wrote the very first instance of the "Maestro" engine back in 2004/2005 where it was nowhere near as flexible and nowhere near as extensible as it is today…

Maestro How-To

How do I..... ?  is a question we hear quite a bit when it comes to the Maestro API. We have a few very good blog posts on our site and also bundle Maestro with some good example code. However time has come to begin to document how to do a variety…

Some SQL Server Express Tips to Help You Along

I'm working on another SQL Server 2008 and Drupal 7 project right now.  This particular project has a great deal of stored procedures and triggers in it to massage extrenal data to the right format for display in Drupal.

Doing Drupal/PHP d…

Drupal 7: Maestro Overview Part 2 - Interactive Tasks

In part 1 of our Maestro module overview we explained the different task types that we have available in the module. One of these task types is the Inter…

Maestro Internals - Creating a Maestro Task Module

Please note:  this blog post refers to Maestro on Drupal 7.

Maestro was a rewrite/refactor of our Nexflow product. When I wrote the first iteration of the Nexflow engine, I always had an Object Oriented approach in mind. W…

Maestro Drupal 7 Overview Part 1 -- Task Types

A few months ago, we posted our ideas for a new workflow module called maestro in the Contributed Modules Ideas group and we had…