Create a New Content Entity During Module Update

As Drupal module maintainers, we at Nextide need to be constantly updating our modules to add new features or patch issues.  Whether your module is available for download or is a custom module for a client site, you can't expect users to unin…

Maestro 2.1 Release and Demo Site

The Maestro module and it's use-case can be challenging to understand and we recognized there was a need to provide a better explanation and examples.

It's fair to say that every company and organization from small to large has busine…

Intelligent Work Automation

In my last post “Untapped Areas for Business Improvements” I attempted to point out the various areas where the potential exists for significant returns for your busines…

Maestro D8 Concepts Part 4: Interactive Task Edit Options

This is part 4 of the Maestro for Drupal 8 blog series, defining and documenting the various aspects of the Maestro workflow engine.  Please see Part 1 for information on Maestro's Templates a…

Drupal Ember Basic App Refinements

This is part 3 of our series on developing a Decoupled Drupal Client Application with Ember. If you haven't yet read the previous articles, it would be best to review Part1…

Untapped areas for Business Improvements

Many organization still struggle with the strain of manual processes that touch critical areas of the business. And these manual processes could be costlier that you think. It’s not just profit that may be slipping away but employee moral, innovat…