Drupal Expertise
We are focused on delivering solutions for today's challenging online business requirements
Maestro Logo
If it can be flow-charted, then it can be automated with Maestro.

This is not a just a clever saying. It's true. With Maestro, the method to automate your process starts with our visual workflow editor with which you drag, drop and connect your workflow steps together. The Maestro workflow editor can be used by business users to map out their business process.

  • Drupal Expertise

    Nextide's core strengths are focused on the design and build of creative sites and web based business applications that mirror the way people think and work. We can custom create any business function or create the ideal work environment for people to perform at their best.

    Nextide Expertise Slide
  • Workflow

    With Drupal and our maestro work automation engine is a tool that we use to dramatically reduce the effort and complexity in developing process based applications. The graphical design front end permits drag and drop functionality that along with configuration options can generate most of the required code.

    Nextide Expertise Slide
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Site Design

We create unique and exciting websites that are designed for today’s mobile and multi-platform digital world. Our designers will help you realize your projects vision. A solid design and wireframe are critical to the success of any web project.

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Custom Development

Are you looking for the right partner for your next web based project? We have over 20 years experience of web based development experience and over 15 years of Drupal expertise. We have the client references, experience, know-how and passion to help.

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Drupal Site Building

We are a team of Drupal Architects and Drupal experts in responsive site building, module development and support services. We pride ourselves on being able to migrate or integrate with other platforms and present creative options for our clients that ensure success and minimize risk.

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If you can flow-chart it, we can automate it. Our solution architects can quickly design and build custom workflows that conform to how people interact while adding the productivity boost and work metrics required by the business.

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Nextide has many years of Web Application and Open Source experience. We maintain and host custom PHP applications and client websites. We have the experience to deliver comprehensive Drupal site audits with recommendations and best practices.

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The mobile web

Our team of Designers and Drupal Architects have the experience and best practices to deliver the same user  experience on any browser no matter the platform while balancing the performance, features and usability for an optimal solution.

Drupal Logo

Nextide's core strengths are focused on the design and creation of web based business applications that mirror the way people think and work. We can custom create any business function or create the ideal work environment for people to perform at their best.

We have a team of Drupal experts to help you with your site building, custom development, training and support for your small or large Drupal project.


Drupal is one of the world's premiere content management systems. Drupal is the choice of enterprise-level companies looking for a robust, flexible, and high-performance option for their next ambitious digital solution.

Drupal represents the cornerstone of our development, design and consulting work and projects, that’s why we’re ready, and equipped to deliver Drupal solutions. Nextide has the experience, expertise and ability to help you reach your goals.